For the more than one million Australians with ADHD, accessing care is too expensive, wait lists are too long, and the healthcare sector’s understanding of the condition is inadequate.
Recently the Australian Parliament formally agreed to hold a Senate inquiry into ADHD assessment and support services in Australia.
This comes off the back of the Greens engaging directly with the ADHD community about what it needs, and what it needs is crystal clear: for ADHD care to be brought fully into Medicare and to have ADHD recognised as a primary disability under the NDIS.
Right now, we have the ...
For the more than one million Australians with ADHD, accessing care is too expensive, wait lists are too long, and the healthcare sector’s understanding of the condition is inadequate.
Recently the Australian Parliament formally agreed to hold a Senate inquiry into ADHD assessment and support services in Australia.
This comes off the back of the Greens engaging directly with the ADHD community about what it needs, and what it needs is crystal clear: for ADHD care to be brought fully into Medicare and to have ADHD recognised as a primary disability under the NDIS.
Right now, we have the unmissable opportunity to make sure the government hears these demands loud and clear by building a campaign of influential health organisations and the community pushing the government for change.
You can help us by sending an email to some of Australia’s peak health advocacy organisations that urges them to publicly join the campaign to fix ADHD care. They can do this by making a submission to the parliamentary inquiry that declares their support for bringing ADHD assessment and support services into Medicare and for the NDIS expanding its primary disability eligibility criteria to include ADHD
This is our moment. If we work together, we can make access to ADHD services an issue our decision-makers can no longer ignore.
Help us build a coaltion for change by using this page to send an email to some of Australia's influential health organisations urging them to publicly join our campaign to fix ADHD care in Australia.
Help us push for the change we need and and urge some of Australia's influential health bodies to join the campaign to fix ADHD care in Australia!
Follow the prompts below to email the organisations below and encourage them to take part in the parliamentary inquiry into ADHD care in Australia.